Hos Balancial anvender vi kvalitetssystemer, reguleringsprocedurer og en datadrevet tilgang fra lægemiddelindustrien.

Balancial er et nordisk medicinalcannabisfirma dedikeret til de højeste kvalitetssikringsprocedurer. Vores strenge testning og fokus på regulatorisk overholdelse sikrer autoriserede og betroede medicinske cannabisprodukter.

Bo Tandrup, Pharmacist.

Retningslinjer for læger

Det danske Lægemiddelstyrelse har udarbejdet omfattende retningslinjer til lægers behandling af patienter med medicinsk cannabis.

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Vi er dybt fokuseret på test og kvalitetssikring og er fuldt licenseret.

Licensed by the Danish Medicines Agency


Guidelines for doctors

The Danish Medicines Agency has compiled comphrehensive guidelines for physicians' treatment of patients with medical cannabis.

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We are deeply focused on testing and quality assurance and are fully licensed

Besked fra vores CEO

Bo Tandrup

CEO, M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Sciences

Medicinal cannabis is a controversial subject. We acknowledge that Doctors are sceptical towards non-authorised medicines with inadequate knowledge of effects and side-effects, but a few important facts should be emphasized.

Firstly, although not exhaustive, we do have some clinical data to support the use of medicinal cannabis. The Danish Medicines Agency has prepared guidelines for doctors based on extensive literature searches, assessments of the review of scientific evidence from the National Academy of Sciences (USA, 2017), evaluation of cannabis schemes in other countries and evaluation of the data leading to previous licensing of cannabis-containing medicines in Europe and the USA.

Secondly, medicinal cannabis is not a substitute for authorised medicines. It is to be tried only if the patient has not benefitted from the treatment with relevant authorised medicine.

Finally, the intention with the Danish pilot programme is to provide a better basis to assess the use of medicinal cannabis. Therefore, quality assured medicinal cannabis products should be made available as long as such products are admitted or approved by the Danish Medicines Agency.

At Balancial we are pharmaceutical industry professionals. We confer with doctors from various clinical fields, select products based on their recommendations and assure that they conform with any and all regulatory requirements before we make them available on the Danish market.

Retningslinjer for læger

Balancial's produkter bør kun overvejes til følgende indikationer, som er understøttet af nogen evidens:

  • Smertefulde kramper forårsaget af multipel sklerose
  • Smertefulde kramper forårsaget af skade på rygmarven
  • Kvalme efter kemoterapi
  • Smerter forårsaget af en sygdom i hjernen, rygmarven eller nerverne


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our products

Product coming soon
Product coming soon
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